Bocas Del Toro, Panama

This is the Caribbean the way you always imagined, the way Mother Nature was intended to be. On Bocas del Toro, there are so many local attractions to explore. Enjoy walking amongst the monkeys, birds and strawberry frogs in their primary habitat, go swimming with sunfish in ancient coral beds and polish up on your surfboarding or kayaking skills. 

If you are looking to simply soak in the sun, pack your sunscreen and a good book to relax and unwind as you lay on the picturesque beach. The beaches here are beautiful, fascinating and unique with Red Frog Beach noted as Panama's most famous for families and couples.

For those looking for a bit more adventure, it’s easy to check things off your bucket-list; snorkeling, ziplining, scuba diving, surfing, rainforest hikes, Ngobe Indian Village tours, deepsea fishing, sailing and boating charters – it’s all here!

The weather averages 82°F year-round, sitting just above the equator in the tropical zone (outside the hurricane belt). Isla Bastimentos is a living rainforest, and because of this it rains throughout the year. However, rain showers typically do not last long, so you can explore the beauty that is Bocas.

WEATHER: Monthly Averages

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
High 94° 94° 91° 94° 97° 92°
Low 64° 64° 64° 64° 64° 64°
Precipitation 12.0 in. 8.0 in. 7.5 in. 12.0 in. 11.0 in. 10.5 in.
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
High 82° 97° 98° 94° 92° 90°
Low 64° 60° 64° 64° 68° 63°
Precipitation 16.0 in. 12.0 in. 6.0 in. 8.0 in. 14.0 in. 15.0 in.